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We are here to provide you everything from help and support to codes, themes and graphics for your Forumotion forum. Do you have any questions about your forum? Need help? Just ask us and we will give you the answer! If you aren't already registered, feel free to do so.

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/me In the beginning of a sentence, this command will be replaced by your username (ex: /me eats a delicious pizza" will display "Nickname eats a delicious pizza")
/exit Disconnect from the Chatbox. You can also precise the reason that will be visible for all members connected (ex: /exit reason)
/abs Send a message noticing that you're absent. You can add a reason that will be displayed in the message and visible by all members connected to the Chatbox (ex: /abs reason)

Chatbox Rules

You mustn't:

  • Promote your forum:
    You won't be able to chat for 24 hours

  • Post bad words (Hard)
    Ban for life! You can also be banned from the forum!

  • Bad words (Soft)
    You won't be able to chat for a period of time

  • Help via Chatbox
    Noticed, and if it persist for a period of time

  • Flood (Text, smilies posted without any reason)
    Banned from chat for a period of time

Note: You can recognize moderators by a @ before their name
